Batu's Portrait

Batu Bora

Software Developer @ Userful

About Me

Hi, I'm Batu, and welcome to my digital space! Here, I blend my passions for tech and tales, exploring everything from algorithms to anecdotes. Join me as I navigate the complexities of coding and the nuances of narrative, one post at a time.

What have you been up to, Batu?

  • Joined Userful as a Software Developer.
  • Graduated with a CS degree from the University of Alberta.
  • Moved to Calgary!

Previous Work Experience

  • Teaching Assistant at the University of Alberta, focusing on AI Go player engine algorithms.
  • Software Developer at BLive Music, working on live-streaming server technologies.
  • Web Developer Contractor at Complete Energy Innovations, responsible for their corporate website.
  • Software Engineer Intern at Vestel, in the AI and Big Data Department.

